GIB: integrating and digitizing the Supply Chain

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GIB: integration and digitisation of the Supply Chain

With the aim of extending the SAP standard with logistics functions and methods to gain a decisive advantage for your business, GIB manufactures and installs solutions to optimise the Supply Chain. In 1992 GIB was founded in Sigen, Germany. The Company arise to provide and meet the needs of customers looking for an increasingly personalised service. In 2016, it became part of the ifm electronic gmbh family, a leading company for industrial automation solutions. Ifm and GIB have been able to preserve the flexibility and individuality of their origin market, combining them with the internationality of a large and growing group. Today, more than 800 customers rely on GIB’s service to optimise their Supply Chain.

In the video Nadine Rahman, Head of digital Sales of ifm, and Björn Dunkel, Managing Director of GIB, highlight the key role of a digitisation of the Supply Chain. They talk about Supply Chain 4.0 where advanced analytics, automated decision-making, and the use of cloud-connected sensors come to meet the new demands of a flexible and ever-changing market.

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