Element Logic® announces its first participation at INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA

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Element Logic® announces its first participation at INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA

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Element Logic®, which since February 2022 is also active in Italy, will be present at the event dedicated to the most innovative solutions and integrated systems for industrial handling, warehouse management, material storage and picking From 3 to 6 May 2022, it will be present at the event with its own dedicated stand. Within the exhibition area, a demo of the AutoStore system will provide a live and realistic representation of the innovative operation and technology used. During the four days of the fair, the Managing Director of Element Logic® Italy, Matteo Casagrande, will be present

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Taking part in the INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA event is an important moment for us and an opportunity to introduce our solutions to the Italian market, which has recently taken so much notice of us. Digitalisation and the strong growth of e-commerce are creating new requirements for warehouses. We are facing a new technological frontier that must be supported by optimising processes. In order to remain competitive, it will be necessary to adopt digital and sustainability-conscious solutions, characteristics that Element Logic has in its DNA and that everyone will be able to see and touch during the exhibition.

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A customized future

Europe’s leading Intralogistics technology company has recently entered Italy with state-of-the-art automated solutions for warehouse performance optimisation. For the near future, Element Logic® aims to increase its customised solutions for companies, especially in response to the demands of increased e-commerce.

In addition, Element Logic® has recently obtained global distribution rights for the distribution and implementation of AutoStore technology, the versatile and modular robotic picking system, which can be adapted to any kind of light-duty storage and retrieval facility. It is precisely this flagship solution that will be presented at the exhibition, and about which more specific information will be available regarding operation, cost and installation.

Actually, the entire logistics sector is shifting its focus to sustainability, low transport consumption, supply chain optimisation, digitisation and robotization of storage and automated picking. The ability to make good use of PNRR funds and optimising business through technology solutions such as those offered by Element Logic, will enable companies to attract further investment and orders in the future, expand operations and boost employment. These are all fundamental elements that point to the deeper meaning of the concepts of ‘recovery‘ and ‘resilience‘.
