Dematic: new era for warehouses

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Dematic: new era for warehouses

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Are you ready to be part of a NEW ERA with Dematic’s innovative solutions?

Automation is becoming more and more crucial to meet the changing needs of the end customer.
Discover with us how to create a state-of-the-art warehouse to optimize your company’s logistics processes.

Dematic will attend INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA to present the main technologies in logistics designed to handle both light and heavy loads of goods needed to adapt to different industries such as: General Merchandise, Retail, Food & Beverage, Grocery, Apparel, Durable Manufacturing, Components etc.
From May 3 to 6will be present at the stand C21 D30 in Hall 10P at the Rho Fiera Milano exhibition center.

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Ideal technology partner for companies that need to improve their supply chain logistics processes. With over 200 years of experience and one of the broadest product portfolios in the industry and worldwide geographic coverage, Dematic has service points in over 35 countries. Dematic’s global network consists of 11,000 employees with over 8,000 installations worldwide.


It will be an unparalleled experience to see the Autostore solution live in motionand request a virtual tour of Dematic’s Grand Rapids and Heusenstamm Tech Centers.

Dematic continues to be at the forefront of our customers’ needs by providing state-of-the-art retail and e-commerce solutions such as Micro FulfillmentDistribution Centers suitable for mass merchants and others. Our mission is to be constantly updated on new market trends and offer our customers the most suitable solutions to improve warehouse performance.

What are you waiting for, book your appointment with Dematic and ask for your free ticket!

We are waiting for you, Click here!
